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Table 1: Random Encounter Checks Random Encounters In addition to the set encounters and events in this adventure, the following random encounters may occur. You may alter the frequency if you choose or omit them altogether if the party is seriously weakened. Use the following tables to set up a random encounter. Table 1 contains a list of all the areas that might be explored during the adventure. Next to each area is a column labeled “Check.” This shows how often you should check to see if a random encounter occurs in that area.
For example, “1/3 Turns” means that you should make a random encounter check once every three turns while in that area. Ww greener shotguns serial numbers. To make a random encounter check, roll 1d10.
If the result is a 1, a random encounter takes place. Next look at the column marked “Range.” Roll the die listed and add the modifier beside it. Look up the resulting number on Table 2 to find the random encounter that occurs.
The statistics for the encounter are given in the Combined Monster Statistics Chart. In some areas it is possible to have a random encounter with a major NPC.
Philadelphia experiment movie torrent download. When this occurs, select an appropriate NPC from the Masters of the War section. Backgrounds for these NPCs are found in the Masters of the War section. Location Check Jelek (Enc. #10) Army (Enc. #2 & 4) Taman Busuk Test of Valor Test of Wisdom Test of Heart 1/Turn 1/Turn 1/4 Hours 1/3 Turns 1/3 Turns 1/3 Turns Range 1d20+40 1d12+40 1d20+28 2d8+10 1d20+5 1d10 Table 2: Random Encounters 1. 1d8 + 4 Wraiths 1d3 Dreamwraiths 1d4 Dreamwraiths 1d8 Shadow 1d4 Dreamwraiths 1d4 + 3 Will-o-Wisps 1d8 + 4 Drelb 1d10 + 10 Wraiths 1d8 + 4 Will-o-Wisps 1d8 + 8 Wights 1d4 Fetch 1d6 + 3 Invisible Stalkers 1d8 Bandits 1d4 Beholders 1d4 Gas Spores 1d8 + 4 Drelb 1d8 Fetch 1d4 Crimson Deaths 1d6 Groaning Spirits 1d3 Coffer Corpses 1d8 Shadows 1d10 Spectres 1d8 + 8 Wights 1d10 + 4 Will-o-Wisps 1d12 + 8 Wraiths 1d8 + 4 Piercers 27.
1d8 + 4 Revenants 1d8 + 4 Revenants Draconian Patrol (1 Aurak; 1d4 Sivak; 1d12 +4 Baaz) Draconian Patrol (1 Aurak; 1d6 Bozak; 1d10 + 10 Kapak).