Automatic License Plate Recognition Using Python And Open Cvs

Automatic License Plate Recognition Using Python And Open Cvs

Automatic license plate recognition using python and open cvs fileAutomatic

I am trying to process a License Plate and extract characters from the plate. I am using OPENCV for performing the image processing functionalities. My aim is to process the images using OPENCV and then finally feed it to Tesseract for performing the OCR. I am performing Image Enlarging, Image Histogram Equalisation, Color Quantisation, Image Thresholding and Image Erosion. What should I do next in the sequence? These operations are becoming very specific to images. Is there any approach by which I can make it generalized for any license plate images and feed it to tesseract for the character recognition.

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The expectation is to extract the License Plate Number and the State above the number.

Automatic Number Plate Detection for Python using OpenCV - abdulfatir/pyANPD. Join GitHub today. PyANPD is a high recall automatic number plate detector based on this Stack Overflow answer. For details of the algorithm, check the answer on. AUTOMATIC NUMBER PLATE RECOGNITION SYSTEM 63 2. Problem Statement The main focus in this research project is to experiment deeply with, and find alternative solutions to the image segmentation and character recognition problems within the License Plate Recognition framework. Three main stages are identified in such applications.

Automatic License Plate Recognition Using Python And Open Cvs
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