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GLEBOV on the Krupp-Ren~ method, magnesian refractor ies made with magnesian oxide extracted from sea water, will be used on a wider scale for lining aggregates engaged in the direct reduction of irort fr xt ore~. REFERENCES C.
Hedley, Future trends m refractories. Iron and Steel, ALEKSEY NIKALAYEVICH UVRANTSOV One of the oldest employees of the refractory industry, Alek~ey Eikolayevieh Uvrantsov, died o~ June 7, 1961 after a long a~d serious I l lness. Uvrantsov went to ~rk as the head of the planning secUon at the Tsemroshamot Trust in 1929.
And for 30 years; up to his retlrcment: was engaged in planning and ftX~c~l ~oz'~ in the refractory i~tluslry. As a highly qua~fled specialist and a ma~ of great energy and lr, itiatJve, A.N, U~ra~Eov took an aeLive part In compiling current and long~ plans [or the de- velopment 9[:he refractor), indus,ry during the f irst Five~ Year Plans, daring the restoration of the refractory establishments after the 1941 - 1945 war, and also In the post-war years. During his years of work h~ the refractory Ind~_~try, he ~s awarck-d four medals. Ap~ from his great work in industry, A.N.
GLEBOV on the Krupp-Ren~ method, magnesian refractor ies made with magnesian oxide extracted from sea water, will be used on a wider scale for lining aggregates. Checksoft home and business 12 license key west. Page: 11 / 495 [ Back Next] DQuCjorwxgd Yjfhiteu - New York (Monday, December 3, 2018) zaebis would podolbitsya with bumblebee in tae in the hollow, http.
Uvran- ~ov ~ an ac~ve p~rt in social work, I~ 1945 he bec~ae a member of the Communist l~r ty. The memory of A.N. Uvraatsov, an active participant in the development of the refractory industry and a worthy sen of the Party; a man of great personal qualifies, will never fade in the hearts of all those who knew hi~. REVIEWS Review of 'High Alumina Ceramic and Refractory Materials' bY D.N.
Polubo)~zrinov, V.L. Balkevich aud P. L Science and engineering are making ever greater de- mands on reJractory materials, necessitating the improve- ment of teehn~loKy, the development of physical-chemical bases of production for diffePent types of refractories and fuller Utilization of the possibi l i t ies contained in refractory materials, Th/s book 'High-AlumL~a Ceramic and Refractory Materials' contains the following chapters: J; High-alumina raw material, This chapter describes natural alumino-si l ieates, a lumi~-hydrates and anhydrous aluminum oxide.
It describes the basic deposits where thef~ types of raw material are fotmd in the Soviet Union. Physical-chemical processes used to obtain high- alumina ceramics. This chapter contains a cr it ical survey of the phase diagram of the system AI203 - SIP2, a descr ip- tion of the theory of the synthesis of mullite, deals with the formation temperature of 'secondary mullite', the eiIect of additives on the prqperttes ol the muW~ Bagger, sintering and reerystall lzatiou of corundum. Basic propert ies of high-alumina materials. In this chapter we find the mechanical and elastic character is - tics of these mater ia ls as a f~nct~on of temperature, the IGosstroYlzdat, 1960 con~nt of atumtna and certain other factors: refractor iness and softening ~t h~gh temperatures, spa/ling resls~tnce, thez'mal conductivity and heat capacity, spalling resistance and chemical reSi~lance and electrophysical propert ies, 4. Production os high-alumina ceramics. This chapter gives a fairly thorough descripUon of certain aspects of the technological process In manufacturing different high- alumina ceramics.
Production of high-alumina refractor ies. This chaptej deals with the technology of high-alumina relractorJea based on natural high-alumina raw material, l~gh-alumina slags, synthesized mullite a~d cortmdum. The book gives prominence to the experience acquired in the Soviet Union and abroad in making high-alumina re- fractories (243 Russia~ and 75 foreign [Rer~ry SO~rCes have been used). A great deal of work in this field has been done by the department of ceramic and refractory teclmolog5 of the Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute, which is explatDed in the book. The descriptions are c lear-cut and refer to contemporar3 l i terature; they are of interest to research workers, en- glneers and technicians employed in the field of high-alumlm production.
Apart from the positive character ist ics of the hook.
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