The Burmese—English—Pali Dictionary U Hoke Sein Reviewed by John Okell Students of Burmese in the English speaking world have been blessed with a new Burmese-English dictionary: The Universal Burmese— fish-Pali Dictiona by U Hoke Sein (for details see References below). Vectormagicdesktopeditionv1 15 keygen fffexe. The preface reveals that we nearly missed it.
The idea to capture this unique book on soft copy started after the demise of my beloved father, U Saw Hlaing @ Mr Lee Aik Byan on the 29th of January, 2006 at the age of 88 years. When my grandfather, U Hoke Sein was writing this dictionary, the tedious and unrecognized job of proof reading fell upon my late father, who happened to be first a college tutor in Chemistry and then a successful business man, who finally ended up as a successful lawyer! The hard copy was produced at considerable cost at that time when computers were virtually unknown in our country. The dictionary as expected was solely for charity as it was of no use for the majority of lay persons. On the other hand, it has become an invaluable reference for the monks, nuns and those lay persons hoping to learn Pali.
In other words, the capital cost of publication was never recovered, not even in a teeny weeny percentage! I wondered during my mourning period for my beloved father, who had only me as his sole offspring, what one should do to be a dutiful daughter as well as a worthy granddaughter. As the pages turned yellow and brittle, I had nightmares of trying to piece together the disintegrating book which my grandfather had single-handedly and painstakingly written during his pension years. I then had a very bright idea of capturing it on soft copy which will not be at the mercy of book parasites and worms! U Thein Htut ( Technical Director ) from Goecomp Myanmar Ltd offered to document these thousand plus pages with his b rand new exp ensive Dig ital Publicat ion Scanner machine. In fa ct he took nearly a year to produce the current version. U Han Win Aung( Procurement Executive ) from Geocomp Myanmar Ltd helped with the finishing touches of linkages to make browsing user friendly.
This CD is at last ready for distribution, again for the purpose of charity.By this good deed, I have the satisfaction of fulfilling my duty as a worthy daughter and granddaughter. I also hope that I have produced a Myanmar and Pali culture linked to a global language i.e. English, in the era of e-learning. I also hope that it will become global as the world is getting smaller and smaller in this age of extensive networking and globalization.
I acknowledge with deep and humble gratitude the efforts of U Thein Htut and U Han Win Aung, without them the production of this CD would not be possible. Than Than Tin (Cherry Hlaing) Professor and Head Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Yangon Central Women's Hospital University of Medicine 1 Yangon, Myanmar Dated: 1st January, 2007.