Binders have great importance for playing social engineering tricks over victim whom you want to hack by use of some key loggers, RAT’s and Trojans etc. These will help you a lot in order to hide your server from human eye and these are capable of encrypting your server too, In order to hide them from antivirus eye. Today I,ll show you some binders using them you can combine your keylogger and RAT server with any image or an application too.
If binded file contains an application (in our case - RAT or keylogger), the application is. Which one of those binder tools above that you think it's the best. Mar 16, 2015 - Don't bind keylogger with an image as it will easily be detected by an anti-virus or simply by the. 1-- A binder (you can find one on google).
Well, in market there are many paid cryptors and binders present but I,ll share some free binders with you. Now the thing is this that often we think that mp3, jpeg and png and other related things are free from viruses and malwares, May be this hypothesis is true but how can we state this? That is the reason I am making this post we can even bind our trojan and keylogger in a mp3, jpeg and png file. I,ll cover this security Section later in another post, Just in order to get updated. What is Binder – Brief Intro:- A binder is a simple program in kb,s or else nearly 1mb and is used to hide a keylogger or trojan in any other file like jpeg, png and mp3 and thus we can change the icon of the newly created output, Also we can use binder to combine an application with a trojan and keylogger and save it with different icon and name, When victim will run it he will think that it’s a trusted application but in background binded trojan will also run.
That is the basic scheme hope you may get it now.Some binders are given below:- Simple Binder By Nathan – Free Binder:- It is quite simple and can be used in seconds without installing. You can combine image with any.exe trojan as you can see and in the FILE#1 I have given the path of the image and after that in FILE#2 I have given path of the trojan which is to be binded, It is quite useful for script kiddies too as its much easy. You can fool victim by telling him that its just and image file of yours own pic. You can download it from here:- Weekend Binder By Nathan – Free Binder:- This is also quite good binder which can be used easily without any installation process and we can bind two applications with each other like one should be genuine and other should be the server of RAT like I did in the screen shot above. I have Given an image file in the File#1 (You can use any file which you want ) and in File#2 I have given the server.exe which is to be binded. Torrent el hijo de la novia summary. Now tick bother Execution options if you want both files to be executed in the victim computer.
In order to download this Weekend Binder by Nathan for free see below for download link:- Tags.
The biggest challenge after creating keylogger installation file, is to convince your victim to install that keylogger on his PC. Normally free remote keyloggers like or any other cheap keyloggers will create standard.exe installation file without any stealth feature. Also free keyloggers are easily detected by popular antiviruses. So Eventually your keylogging job will remain Incomplete. You would have probably heard about binders and Crypters before, but what do they used for?
And why they are used in keylogging process? Its simple as their Names suggests what they do. Lets first understand these two softwares. Crypter It is a software that can encrypt executable (.exe) files. Crypters are popularly used to encrypt viruses, RAT’s, keyloggers, spywares etc to make them undetectable from antiviruses.
The Crypter takes the original binary code of.exe file and applies many encryption on it and stores at the end of file(EOF). So a new crypted executable file is created. The new exe is not detected by antiviruses because its code is scrambled by the crypter.
Binder Binder is a software used to bind or combine two or more files in one file under one name and extension. The files to be binded can have any extension or icon. The user has choice to select the name, icon and various attributes of binded file. Now that you, me and the whole world is aware of these softwares, do you think antivirus softwares will allow you to run these softwares on your system?.obviously not. This is the biggest setback for crypters and binders. With increased use of Crypters and binders to bypass antiviruses, AV became more advanced and started including encryption definitions to even detect crypted or binded strings within code.