Mobiclip Converter

Mobiclip Converter

Any Video Converter - I did a search at for mobiclip to mp4 converter and it brought back a ton of possibilities.

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Ok after trying out pv video player and playing movie in full screen I don't wana go back to using real player. I've got pv author but can't get the videos to a decent quality and seeing as nobody seems to want to tell me what settings to use i've decided to look at mobiclip as it also allows full screen playback. I've downloaded the player but can't find the converter on the site anywhere the only way i can see how you could get it is to sign up as publisher. So basically can somebody tell me where to get it from?? Also what other players are good I've heard about the other fullscreen player is it smart player or somethnig but heard the files ae massive. Anyway somebody please help any help will be apprichated (spelt wrongly).

O yeah any body that wants my collection of music videos in real format I've posted them at Somebody help me plz.

Posted by amangill1984 whats the best video player for the p800? I have the normal video program on my p800 and it dont play full screen, but i heard that theres a player which plays full screen (widescreen) what is this.

I have searched the forum for the last 40 mins but cant find anything of use. Sorry if ive missed anything, and thanks for any help Posted by gbrooks3 mobiplayer from mobiclip gives by far the best quality, the player has some drawbacks but it only in its early stages. Definatly worth a look at. Posted by amangill1984 ok i heard the player that plays widescreen is actually a camcorder thing. Is this true?

And anyone know where i can get it from? Thanks again Posted by gbrooks3 yes this is correct however it doesnt play conentional mp4 files in that if you want to here the film as well as see it you must encode the sound as amr. Or create a 3gp file. I really do recommend the mobiplayer it plays in full widescreen and is alot lot better than mp4!

Posted by Mrpipster Okay. When I bought my P800 it wouldn't play video full screen.

But since I bought it from Carphonewarehouse, they suggested having the firmware flashed regularly. In May 2003 the firmware upgrade updated the video player, you could click on screen to switch between full-screen & regular viewing.

U must back up your Phone (Contacts/Images/Bookmarks/Settings etc) first because these are reset to default on a flash upgrade. The Philips Camcorder is a separate App, available @ or if u want to download directly.

Phill Posted by amangill1984 cool but i just have a couple of questions about mobiplayer, where can i get it from adn can i watch 80-90mb movies? Posted by Asskicker Mobiclip player! 100% u can download it 4 free from, also from the same website u can download free software for PC to change format of the movie to be compatible with mobiclip player. It gives you almost real playback with up to 24 frames per second. I hope this explanation helps you.

Posted by amangill1984 ok i have installed the converter but after i install it i cannot find the program! I have looked at start>all programs>actimagine>mobiclip> which brings up loadsa demos,installation folder and 2 mobiclip manuals! I have checked the actimagine file within windows exlorer and still cant find a program to open.

I have installed this twice but stick no luck and to make things worse i have copied one of the sample files onto my p800 into the documents and the video folder but the player doesnt play it. It has 'VERSION' OR 'CLOSE' as the two avaliable options. Both player and converter are demos, so has this got anything 2 do with it? UPDATE****** I THINK I HAVE SORTED IT.

Mobiclip Converter

I HAVE DISCOVERED IF U RIGHT CLICK ON THE APPROPRIATE FILE TYPE (WORK.SWF ETC) theres a option to convert to mo! [ This Message was edited by: amangill1984 on 2004-02-12 09:30 ] [ This Message was edited by: amangill1984 on 2004-02-12 09:48 ] Posted by Neyo Asskicker, or anybody. Can anybody help me?! I'm using a Mac, and went to download mobiclip from their site. Signed up, logged in, picked the UIQ version, and hit agree. Unfortunately It links directly to a.sis file. Safari tries to render the.Sis as a page, rather than download it.

Mobiclip Converter

Can anybody, post it, email it. Or something, so I can download it? If someone can post a URL, i can right click, or something that'd be awesome. Posted by Haisuli When I open the Mobiclip Player on my P800 the program is only white and I can only choose 'version' and 'close' in the place where it says mobiclip.

Mobiclip Converter
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