1 'f The Jumor League of DetroIt's Designer Show House at WindmIll Pointe Dnve m Grosse Pomte Park IS open to the public. The event runs through Monday, May 29 Wednesday - Friday hours are 10 a.m - 3 pm and 6-8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday hours are 11 a.m.
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- 4 P m Tuesday hours are 10 am. - 3 p m A special Memorial Day showing will be offered on Monday, May 29, from 10 a m. 3 p.m Tickets are $18. For more mformatlon, call (313) The Grosse Pomte Blood Council holds its spring blood dnve at Heritage Presbytenan Church, Jefferson m St Cl81r Shores. The dnve begms at 2 pm.
And ends at 8 p m. Walk-ms are welcome. For more mfor- IItltttoft;-eaJ (810) 779-0ne Monday, May 22 The Grosse Pointe Shores Village Board of Trustees meets at 7 p m. In the Shores village hall, 795 Lakeshore. The Grosse POinte News mcorrectly stated the meeting would be on May 15 The CIty of Grosse Pointe Councd meets at 7 30 P m to adopt the CIty budget for the UpcoaW1g fiseal year The public is mvlted to attend The instrumental music department at South HIgh School presents Its Spring Concert in the South auditorium at 7 30 p.m AdmIssIon is $5, $3 for students and seniors Performers mclude members of South's Jazztet, Jazz Lab Band and Jazz Band TIckets are available at the door only INSIDE Opinion 6A Autos., A Seniors A Schools I4A OOuuarus 16A BUSiness 18A Entertain7rU!nt.
IC Classifted ads 6C Krueger. Owner of Jefferson Beach Yacht Sales and, like Beauregard, a director of the boating associatlon DespIte the good news about navigation, lake levels aren't lookmgup. Roger GauthIer, a hydrologist With the US Army Corps of Engineers m DetroIt, called the 3-year, 3 lj2-foot drop of Lake St ClaIr 'precipitous It could go significantly lower' The lake has nsen according to Its normal spnng cycle, but should drop another nme mches by next year. AccordIng to U.S Rep. John Dmgell (D-Dearborn), there's no hope of a government bailout Speaking recently at a down nver semmar about the declining level of the Great Lakes, he said, 'God IS In charge of lake levels' Boatmg IS big busmess m MIchIgan. Accordmg to the Secretary of State, MIchigan leads the nation with nearly one milhon registered water Photo by Brad Ll ndberg Pete Beauregard Jr couu118 a chart before settidi a headldg on Lake st.
Low waters have made charts 'crltical' this year. Said Beauregard. Owuer of Colony Marine ld St. Clatr ShOJ'es and resident of Grosse PolDte Shores. Despite dec1idldglake levels.
However, he said most of the lake is acce88ible to boaters. Chart your lvay through low water levels in Lake St. Clair By Brad lindberg Staff Writer Great Lakes water levels are falling, but that's no reason to paddle around like Chicken LIttle In a wet SUtt. Yet for boaters who don't heed a navigation chart, Lake St. CI8J.r could rock your world This season, 'a chart IS cntical,' said Pete Beauregard Jr, owner of Colony Manne 10 St ClaIr Shores and a resident of Grosse Pomte Shores Beauregard and other omclah. 3 May 18, 2000 Grosse Pointe News News 'The march was the first step, probably the easiest step.
Everybody is waiting for us to fail, to come home and dissipate.' Susan Brown Grosse Pointe Park eastside coordinator Million Mom March ture IS promotmg tngger locks and lookmg at a gun safety package,' said Attorney General Jenmfer Granholm 'That IS a feather m their cap' Granholm was m Grosse Pomte Woods last week to address a group d semor CItIzens 'We've had moms follow through In the drunk dnvlng arena and It has been a very powerful thing: said Granholm 'There's nothmg that can get In the way of a determmed mom. Brown's 100 troops compnsed a melting pot of southeast MIchIgan gun safety advocates. Demse Woods-DIBiase of Llvoma took a bus to Washington with her daughter, Katie, 9 The buses convened at the NatIonal Zoo, where gunplay a few weeks ago wounded SIX people KatIe was excited about marchmg WIth her mom, but said, 'It's scary because we have to go to the zoo where the shootmg was' Park resident Karen Kendnck Hands satd her sup. Port of gun safety legislation WIll rem am strong 'Some Issues are so core that they become a htmus test,' she said 'As Lincoln said at Gettysburg, 'The dead shall not have died In vam ' SybIl Jaques, a Fanns res- Ident, marched 'to keep guns out of the hands of cowards. People who settle Issues m a Photo by Brad Lindberg Members of the eastside metropolitan Detroit contingent of the MlWon Mom March be up for a group picture moments before boarding two buses for the big Mother's Day rally in Washington. Million Moms won't rest D.C.