Mar 4, 2018 - Contoh Video Cara menggunakan flash card Ini Video anak saya Muhammad Mujahid Amilin pada usia 2 tahun 7 bulan belajar Flashcard Ini.
Pakej Lengkap Mengajar Anak Al-Quran, Jawi & Doa Pakej ini terdiri daripada 1 unit VCD Belajar Cepat Membaca Al-Quran Siri 1, satu set Kad Imbasan Jawi Berikut adalah kandungan pakej ini: 1 unit VCD Belajar Cepat Membaca Al-Quran Siri 1, satu set Kad Imbas Jawi Contoh Kad Imbasan Jawi Bagaimana menggunakan produk ini dapat membantu anak anda mengenal alif ba ta dan seterusnya memudahkan anak anda belajar Al-Quran? VCD Belajar Cepat Membaca Al-Quran siri 1 ini mengajar anak anda mengenal huruf-huruf hijaiyah dari huruf alif sampai huruf ya Dalam VCD ini anak-anak akan belajar cara membaca dan menulis huruf hijaiyah, penghafalan huruf hijaiyah diselangi dengan menggunakan kaedah bernasyid agar kanak-kanak tidak mudah bosan da n gembira belajar mengenal huruf hijaiyah. Pasang setiap hari, insyaallah anak anda akan mengenal huruf alif ba ta sehingga ya dengan baik sekali VCD ini boleh digunakan untuk anak-anak seawal usia 3 bulan lagi.
Sampel Kandungan VCD Selepas anda mula belajar mengecam huruf menerusi VCD, anda boleh bermain flashcard alif ba ta ini dengan anak-anak anda. Flashcard ini terdiri daripada huruf alif ba ta sehingga ya Hanya flashkan sekali sehari sahaja setiap hari selama 10minit, anda pasti akan nampak hasilnya. Pastikan anak anda gembira semasa bermain dengan Flashcard dan juga pastikan anda sebut huruf dalam Flashcard secara kuat, jelas dan berulang-ulang. Untuk lebih berkesan, flashcard kan kad tersebut dengan laju, iaitu satu kad selama satu saat sahaja.
Mengapa nak flashkan kad satu kad satu saat sahaja? Flash Cards Activate and Develop the Right Brain. When cards are flashed at high speed they develop your child's instant (photographic) memory the right brain's memory is activated and it will develop quickly and easily.
The Right Brain and Left Brain will be Connected When using flash cards, try to flash less than one second per card or as fast as you can and say the words on the back of the cards at the same time. The images are processed by the right brain and the words you speak are processed by the left brain. As a result, the child will also more easily learn new words through the activation of the left brain in conjunction with the right-brain images. Contoh Video Cara menggunakan flash card Ini Video anak saya Muhammad Mujahid Amilin pada usia 2 tahun 7 bulan belajar Flashcard Ini video Yusuf Fansuri pada usia 4 bulan, emak dia dah start ajar guna flashacard alif ba ta Lihat apa kata ibu Yusuf Fansuri Lihat apa kata ibu Zaharatul Iman Lagi TIPS POWER guna FLASHCARD bersama BAYI anda 3 Things to remember: 1.Teach fast, fast like the wind 2.Present new things always 3.Do not test Why Flash Cards? 1.Easier: It is easier to teach a two-year-old to read at home than it is to teach a six-year-old at school. 2.A joyous moment for mothers and babies.: Since babies would rather learn than do anything else in the world, and would rather be with their parents than with anyone else in the world, there are few activities as joyous as learning-to-read sessions. 3.Reading is the very basis of all: If mother teaches her baby to read at one, two, or three years of age he will not fail to learn to read in school at six, seven, or eight years of age.
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4.Wondrous thing: It is a wondrous thing for a baby, or child, or an adult to be able to read. 5.Babies are linguistic geniuses: Babies take in raw facts such as written and spoken words at a rate that no adult could come close to matching.
Why is it crucial to 'flash word' during early from 2 months? •In the first 6 years of life, a children has a mind that absorbs great amounts of information without any effort. •This is also the child's greatest learning capability period. •Thus, flashing words using flash cards can help stimulate the development of both hemispheres of the child's brain. •The left brain is sharpened through languages while the right brain is strengthen through pictures. Flash cards can help to achieve whole brain development by stimulating both the child's visual and auditory simultaneously.